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How to captivate and stimulate your baby’s brain with images (0-5 years old)

The first 3 months

At birth, the newborn cannot yet discern the fine details and perceives mostly the outline of the objects, their angles, their limits. This means baby is able to differentiate forms such as triangles, squares or circles. The limited perceptions of newborns nevertheless allow them to distinguish the face of their mother from that of another woman.

In the first few weeks, babies acquire the ability to scan an image. They can then perceive the overall appearance of something and its main features. They are more attracted by an original image than by one they already know.

At birth, babies see colors but they do not discern between similar tones like red and orange. The cells of the eye responsible for detecting the colors are very active, but they are not yet completely mature. Therefore, during their first year, babies are more attracted to black and white and bright primary colors with high contrast than pale colors. Around 3 months, babies see mostly red and green. Images such as Lovely Lion and Happy Hexagons were designed to offer babies a gentle visual stimulation, aligned with the stages of development of eyesight in children.

To stimulate the sight of babies during their first 3 months of life, you can:

- Hang a mobile over the baby's bed or play mat

- Install a mirror near the changing table so that baby can see his/her reflection

- Bring your face closer to baby's face so that his/her can see your features

- Wear the Lovely Lion t-shirt from Ami and Pash, in black and white. See more black and white options here.

3 to 6 months

Babies between 3 and 6 months old continue to observe their environment: they will turn their head to better see what’s going on around them. Their depth perception is improving. Around this age, babies are able to distinguish certain expressions such as joy, fear, anger...

After red and green, babies perceive blue and yellow. Gradually, their perception of colors is refined and allows them to distinguish between shades close to one another, as well as between different shades of contrast (pale or dark).

Around 3 months, babies prefer to look at complex and heterogeneous visual images rather than simple ones, provided that the image structure is regular.

To stimulate the sight of a baby between 3 and 6 months, you can:

- Imitate baby's expressions

- Make funny faces while making sounds

- Wear the Playful Panda t-shirt from Ami and Pash, in red/black/white. See more red/black/white options here

- Explore with baby images with curved lines (lion, panda, balls) and images whose composition is complex and regular (iguana, parrot)

6 to 12 months

Between 6 and 12 months of age, babies’ depth perception is refined. They can spot small objects and look at things in motion. They can recognize an object even if they only partially see it. They start looking for hidden objects. Visual acuity and contrast sensitivity develop on a regular basis during the first year.

Around 12 months, baby’s visual development is almost complete. To stimulate the sight of a baby between 6 and 12 months, you can:

- Hide your face with your hands and play a fun game of "pick-a-boo!"

- Wear the Happy Hexagons t-shirt from Ami and Pash in full color. Show only part of the image, then reveal the image in full

12 to 24 months

From 12 to 24 months, the distant vision of babies continues to develop. They are able to recognize the people around them, several feet away. Babies carefully observe small objects and are more and more interested in images found everywhere around them.

Around 2 years, babies are generally in control of their visual abilities. To stimulate the sight, hearing, touch, imagination, language of a child between 12 and 24 months, you can:

- Read as many picture books as possible

- Make your child is aware of the link between the written word and its illustration by making them repeat the words and asking them to point to the image mentioned

- Play with color blocks, and other 3D objects to stimulate baby not only visually, but also texturally

- Have your baby show you their color/image preferences by letting them choose which Ami and Pash design you can wear. Let them choose among the many black/white and color options

From 3 to 5 years

Toddlers observe an object, they examine it more methodically. They like illustrated stories and now know how to combine images and narration.

To stimulate the curiosity of a child between 3 and 5 years old, you can:

- Use building blocks to make simple structural patterns such as 2 blocks with one above, three in a row set of blocks, and so on. Playfully ask your toddler to copy the pattern. Afterwards, ask them to make their own pattern

- Cut shapes made of colored paper, and make a board with have drawings that fit the shapes. Make your child match the cut-up shapes with the ones on the board

- Reread a story book that you read before to your toddler. Before turning the page, ask your toddler what they think, is going to happen next. If they needs help, give them a hint as to what happens next

- Have them pick their favorite Ami and Pash shirt (also available in children sizes), and identify the colors and images represented in the designs. If they have a younger sibling, they can use the designs to teach and bond with their sibling!

Happy bonding and stimulating your baby’s amazing brain!


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