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How Different Colors Affect Children

Warm colors provoke happiness and comfort. They can stimulate the mind and have a revitalizing effect on the body, which is beneficial for growth and development.

Recommendation: Use with moderation to avoid over-stimulation.


  • Excites and energizes the body.

  • Increases heart rate, blood pressure and respiration. Some studies suggest that the physical effects associated with the color red increase athletic ability.

  • Also associated with an increase in aggression, an inability to concentrate and even headaches.


  • Evokes empathy and femininity and creates a soothing atmosphere.

  • Can become irritating over time, leading to agitation and anxiety.


  • Associated with happiness and motivation.

  • Soft yellow tones stimulate concentration and memory and while brighter shades can increase metabolism.

  • Too much yellow can evoke feelings of anger and frustration, resulting in over-stimulated and fussy babies.


  • Associated with positivity.

  • Inspires interpersonal communication and puts people at ease.

  • Too much orange can over-stimulate, so use it sparingly while making bold nuances.

Cold colors have a calming effect on the body (effect of space and relaxation). However, they can evoke the pessimism of an impending storm and should be used sparingly. They are not particularly welcoming and can leave people feeling cold.

Recommendations: pair with neutral tones and add splashes of bright colors


  • Soothes the mind and body, lowering blood pressure, heart rate and breathing and decreasing feelings of anxiety and aggression.

  • Good for children who have sleep problems or who are prone to temper tantrums and other behavioral problems.

  • Cools the body, creating a refreshing oasis in a warm place.


  • Associated with wisdom and spirituality.

  • Combines the stability of blue and the energy of red, taking features of both, depending on the hue.

  • Can also be associated with a feeling of luxury, wealth and royalty.


  • Symbolizes nature and thus promotes a serene and soothing environment.

  • Associated with health, healing and well-being.

  • Has a calming effect on the body and mind, it reduces anxiety and stimulates concentration.

  • Exposure to green can even increase reading ability.

Effects vary per person

You should always remember that psychological responses are deeply personal. You can like different colors depending on your own cultural and personal preferences, and that's fine. If your little one likes the color red, do not worry about its potential negative effect. The brain is designed to identify what it needs and likes. In other words, if your child is happy, his brain is happy too.

Check out all the designs and color options especially made for babies brain stimulation at


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